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3 Types of Goals to Set (& the one you’d be surprised doesn't really work)

Did you know that you can actually set different types of goals?

Whether you like ‘New Year Resolutions’ or not, we can all agree that most times January feels like a fresh start. We leave the previous year behind and feel a new sense of possibility. I love the inspiration that comes with this, but I think it can be deceptive if we leave it at that. I recently discussed goal setting and a few essentials to include when setting your next goal. If you haven’t read that post yet, you can find it here.

What are the 3 different types of goals to set? Outcome Goals generally revolve around winning or losing but can also be a goal that is based on the end result of some behavior. At times, outcome goals focus on specific achievements that are out of our control.

Examples of Outcome Goals:

→ To finish top 10 in a local race.

→ Make a specific amount of money in a year.

→ Win a fitness challenge.

Performance Goals place attention on performance and are usually expressed in terms of personal achievement. Focusing on performance goals can ultimately contribute to the outcome we desire, however, provide more specific direction in terms of what we actually need to focus on.

Examples of Performance Goals:

→ Run 5km in 20 minutes.

→ Increase monthly revenue by “x” amount.

→ Lose 30 pounds.

Process Goals specify the action steps or processes needed in order to perform successfully. What was specific in performance goals, now becomes even more detailed with process goals.

Examples of Process Goals:

→ Train 4 days per week.

→ Have “x” successful sales in “x” amount of time.

→ Eat a serving of protein with every meal.

What types of goals are the most important to focus on?

The focus should be on performance and process goals. These types of goals help contribute to the overall outcome you desire and are empowering in that we are fully in control of our actions behind them.

Keep in mind that outcome goals alone are very narrow-minded, and can be intense. They are very black and white in terms of assessing their success and can encourage toxic all-or-nothing, or perfectionist mentalities. They are broad and lack the specific details needed to stay focused.

Question! “I feel like there’s a little voice in my head that says “you’re going to fail at this” or “you’ll never be able to do that” and I end up quitting early or not trying at all. How do I deal with this?”

Answer: Regardless of what type of goal you set, your expectations need to remain in check. A negative mindset can pop up when we perceive ourselves as incapable or uncertain. Start with very doable goals. Keep goals small and short-term, so that you can begin to build better belief in yourself. Once you have experienced confidence with small, very doable goals, then you’ll be more motivated (and in the right mindset) to set a new, next step, goal.

I encourage you to be aware of the types of goals you set and the tone you use to set them. Be open to adjusting your goals. Goal feedback and adjustment should be seen as a normal part of the process rather than identified as a problem on your part. Start with small process goals, focussing on one step at a time. I’m confident with the time and energy you invest into doing so, you’re already headed in the right direction.

So tell me, what are your goals for 2021? Let me know in the comments below.

Here for your success,


1 bình luận

30 thg 6, 2021

Great reminder! Thank you.

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