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Build health & confidence
without pressure, guilt, or rigid rules.

Hey lovely! Welcome to BENEFITS Personal Training. 

I guide women who are ready to ditch diets, make peace with food, and stop trying to force an exercise routine that just isn’t fun. 


Does this sound familiar?


You’ve invested time & money in diet & exercise programs that have promised a quick fix, but you’re discouraged because:

  • It feels great to see some quick wins, but as soon as life gets in the way of “the plan,” you beat yourself up for getting off track. 

  • Naturally, amidst all the rigid rules, your excitement and motivation start to dwindle. 

  • You’re seriously tired of “diet foods,” bland meals, and feeling like all your favorites are off the table.

  • With all the information out there from google and influencers, you’re not even sure that what you’re pursuing is the right solution!

There’s actually a secret to stepping into the confident, healthy lifestyle you want, and I give this “secret” away for free:

To do this, you need to: 

Ditch all of the diets that make you constantly preoccupied with food, anxious at social events, or filled with shame when you “go off plan.


Create a flexible, personalized exercise routine you actually enjoy.


Learn to nurture an empowered mindset so that you can experience the unapologetic confidence you've always wanted. 


It really is that simple. But it isn’t always easy.
That’s why I’m here. 

Love from Clients

"I am so thankful to have a coach like Jenn, who genuinely cares about my overall health & wants to see me succeed. I have grown so much in these past 10 weeks, in areas I never even knew I needed to work on! I came into this program with goals related only to physical health, and I am coming out of this program with so much more than that. My relationship with myself has grown significantly, and I am gaining confidence in myself that I truly didn't know was possible. The efforts put into this program inspired me to put large amounts of effort into myself, and I am so thankful for all that I have learned & for the healthy habits I have gained from this experience." Avery L

"I have learned so much about not only fitness and nutrition but about myself while working with Jenn. This program has been fantastic and has taught me how to love myself and take care of myself in more ways than one. I have a healthier relationship with food, my body, and exercise. I no longer feel guilty about food and I actually love exercise and how it makes me feel which is a huge shift for me. I no longer focus on the weight loss but on the other goals, like how I feel. I never thought that would be possible, but I’m happier and healthier than I have ever been." Shelby M

"Working with Jenn has helped me identify where my mindset around food and exercise habits were lacking and open up a new mindset for how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The style of mentoring Jenn provides is not something that is a "quick fix" like other programs I've been in, it's a mindset change that can easily be incorporated into your life. I'm so grateful I signed up because I feel so much better about myself. I feel strong and confident in my body. I also have moved past feeling guilty and binge eating my emotions away. It's such a great feeling to be able to feel in control of my life and know that I am making healthy choices to nourish my body and my mind. Thanks, Jenn!" Christina L


In-Person Fitness Training provides the opportunity to have my undivided attention and expertise in a gym setting, to guide you through an exercise program created exclusively for you and your goals.

Private online coaching provides personalized support and accountability unique to your starting point and goals. Including exercise, nutrition, and wellness coaching, I am able to shape a package to fit your needs perfectly.

Group coaching dives into an exciting series of relevant topics, helpful worksheets, invaluable insight from guest experts and so much more. All with the coaching support my clients have grown to love! Coming soon!

How wonderful to meet you!

I’m Jenn, and I am the fitness, nutrition & wellness coach behind BENEFITS Personal Training. I’m here because I believe you are capable of building a healthy lifestyle that you absolutely love.

You’re here because you’re about

to start believing it, too. 

Download your free 30-minute workout now
I know your time is limited, and that’s why I created this quick and effective total body workout you can do at home or at the gym!

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