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Personalized Nutrition Coaching Package

12 Weeks to a Nurturing, No-Drama Relationship with Food


Nutrition & Wellness Coaching with BPT provides focussed instruction and coaching specific to improving your relationship with food. 


All the guesswork is taken out of it for you -- no more confusion and overwhelm about what to eat and when. 


You will have a qualified health coach and behavior change specialist in your corner, and I will guide you through a personalized process, with consideration to your current relationship with food, diet history, and unique goals.


I know you’ve tried diets & detoxes it’s time to learn to make choices that are empowering, say goodbye to guilt and shame, and lean on my 1:1 support to create positive change that lasts!

Personalized Nutrition Coaching

You will rediscover hunger and fullness cues, gain the ability to trust yourself around food again, and learn how to improve your nutrition with balance alongside your individual goals.


Weekly Self-Reflection Check-Ins

You'll complete a selection of guided questions each Friday that will help you reflect on what's working, and where we need to focus more attention. I'll see your answers, touch base, and be able to provide helpful feedback from one week to the next.


Mobile & Desktop App

Trainerize is a mobile and desktop app platform that will allow you to track your activity, nutrition, and communicate with me in real-time. Everything is seamlessly housed in one spot for your convenience.


Flexibility & Mobility Guide

Access a thorough foam rolling and stretching guide that comes with accessory follow-along routines to encourage proper, pain-free movement.


Personalized Habit Tracking

Together, we will choose and schedule time for desired habits to practice throughout the 12 weeks. You’ll be able to track your progress, create consistency streaks, and experience an additional layer of accountability.


Recipe Books

My clients love these 2 recipe books I compiled to help make healthy eating simple, fun, and delicious!


Coach Communication

I am here to keep you accountable, give feedback, answer questions and share my expertise as you need it - you can reach out to me whenever you need and I will respond promptly within my office hours.


3 30 Minute Coaching Calls

Booked in whenever they work for you, we will have three 1:1 coaching calls to celebrate what’s going well, and to troubleshoot any issues or roadblocks you may be facing.

this package includes:


"I am so thankful to have a coach like Jenn, who genuinely cares about my overall health & wants to see me succeed. I have grown so much in these past 12 weeks, in areas I never even knew I needed to work on! I came into this program with goals related only to physical health, and I am coming out of this program with so much more than that. My relationship with myself has grown significantly, and I am gaining confidence in myself that I truly didn't know was possible. The efforts put into this program inspired me to put large amounts of effort into myself, and I am so thankful for all that I have learned & for the healthy habits I have gained from this experience."

I know you’ve tried to make changes before. 


But this time, it’s different. 


You will be working with a Behavior Change Specialist who understands how meaningful shifts really happen, and how to create the circumstances that make positive change inevitable. 


Isn’t that what personal empowerment truly means?

"Working with Jenn has helped me identify where my mindset around food and exercise habits was lacking and open up a new mindset for how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The style of mentoring Jenn provides is not something that is a "quick fix" like other programs I've been in, it's a mindset change that can easily be incorporated into your life. I'm so grateful I signed up because I feel so much better about myself. I feel strong and confident in my body. I also have moved past feeling guilty and binge eating my emotions away. It's such a great feeling to be able to feel in control of my life and knows that I am making healthy choices to nourish my body and my mind. Thanks, Jenn!"


I’ve designed this program to cover all bases...and I’ve designed the investment details to make this a no-brainer for you!

pay $687 in full

or choose a payment plan of

$177 today x 4 monthly payments 

$117 today x 6 monthly payments

backed by my 10-day money-back guarantee 

Do you have questions about Personalized Nutrition Coaching? I welcome the opportunity to help you find clarity on whether or not I’m the right coach for you.


Are you ready to get started? Submit a coaching application below. 


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